WEEK FOUR (9th September – 15th September 2019) Print Media

Latest Posts Prayer Guide 2019

 Revelation 1:19
Write therefore the things that you have seen, those that are and those that are to
take place after this.

Habakkuk 2:2
And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run
who reads it.

Main Prayer Focus of the Week:

  • That there will be a new understanding of discipling Media as a part of the Great Commission.
  • Envisioning: To pray for a fresh Church vision for Print Media in light of the Great Commission and the Kingdom of
  • Spiritual Warfare: To wage war against the spirit of fear and despair promoted through the media, and the hosts of hell that are confusing the church and resisting her advance on this mountain.
  • Recommitment to fulfilling the Great Commission through Print Media.


The instruction to write down an account, experience, observation, or prediction appears over 90 times in the Bible. God is a record keeper and in His dealings with men he often instructed (and still instructs) them to keep a record of experiences or encounters. These accounts were for the benefit of both those still alive, and for posterity. The accounts were to be accurately recorded and then conveyed in truth – reflecting His character as the source of all Truth. God’s archenemy on the other hand is the purveyor of lies and falsehood – he is the Father of lies and liars. His ability to distort the truth led to the deception of Eve and the fall of mankind. The devil presented to Eve a corrupted version of the truth. Not much has changed since, as men distort the truth and present it for public consumption.

Both truth and lies are very powerful: one as a force for good and the other as a force for evil. The media is the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing and the Internet). It can therefore be used for good, or for tremendous evil. Alice Bailey, prophetess of New Age, understood this and targeted media as the main channel to change human attitude against the Judeo Christian ethic. The result is that most major media outlets (both local and international) have liberal values that knowingly or unknowingly reflect the Bailey antichrist agenda



Thank God for:  

  • Giving mankind the ability for in-depth communication. Through language we can understand truth, communicate it, and appreciate each other’s feelings.
  • The diversity of methods of communication and the many languages we can communicate in.
  • Writers that are using the print media to communicate truth in every sphere of society.

Ask God’s forgiveness for:

  • Ways that the Body of Christ has failed to show the way in promoting the positive use of the Print Media.
  • Ways that evil is being promoted in the Print Media: focus on lies, slander, fearmongering, pornography, and violence.

Pray that:  

  • The Body of Christ and especially those called to the Print media will arise and take their rightful place, and come to a full understanding of what it means to disciple the nation through the Print Media. Pray also that we will understand how the Kingdom of darkness is using the media as conduit for its antichrist agenda.
  • Policies that will promote the positive use of the print media will be enacted.
  • Policies that restrain the use of the print media to propagate lies, slander, and pornography will be enacted and robustly enforced.
  • Programs and curricula that are training mass communicators will be reviewed and reformed to produce individuals with a constructive and positive approach to using the media for the national good.
  • Truth will triumph over lies in the print media; that sons and daughters of God’s Kingdom occupy and dominate the spaces in the print media.
  • The government ministries and agencies that oversee media: Media Council of Uganda, the Uganda Communications Commission, the Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology together with the Ministry of Ethics and Integrity will all effectively carry out their respective mandates. Pray for the effective leadership and management of these organizations.

Pray that in the years ahead God will be greatly glorified through Print Media in Uganda

1 thought on “WEEK FOUR (9th September – 15th September 2019) Print Media

  1. Thank you for sending weekly updates. The first three weeks’ focus was poweful especially because it dealt with praying into talents.In my prayer group we had to brain storm about our giftings and talents. And then we prayed seriously. GBU

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