We desire to see God’s Kingdom fully manifested in the Families, Tribes, Cultures, and Social Services of Uganda by 2062
“All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord,
And all the families of the nations will bow down before Him,
For dominion belongs to the Lord and he rules over the nations”
Psalm 22: 27, 28
God’s order in families
The family unit was established by God and is the building unit of both the Church and the Nation. The beginning of the family is the union between a man and a woman (Genesis 1:27; 2:24). The devil is opposed to everything that God establishes and so the family is one of the institutions the devil targets to corrupt and eventually destroy. In destroying the family unit, Satan aims at destroying the society; his agenda is always to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). When the family order disintegrates, the societal order also disintegrates. Statistics on criminality clearly indicate that broken homes are a major influence of those who become lawless. Since the father’s absence or abusive behavior is the most damaging factor in a broken family unit, men become Satan’s major target.
Our Constitution under “Social and Economic Objectives” states in section XIX that: “The family is the natural and basic unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.”
Psalm 22 has many descriptions of Jesus’ suffering at Calvary; Jesus quoted it as he hung on the cross. According to this verse, as our Lord hang on the cross not only was our individual salvation on his heart, he had the nations (ethnic groups) on his heart too. It states that all the families of the nations will bow down before him. It also states emphatically that dominion belongs to the Lord and he rules over the nations.
Between the scene described in Revelation 17:15 where a demonic goddess sits on the tribes and people groups and Revelation 5:9 where people from every tribe, language, people and nation serve the Lord, there is a lot of spiritual conflict. Our families, tribes, and nation through the Gospel of the Kingdom must move away from serving idols and false gods to serving Yahweh the only true God. Jeremiah foresaw this happening (Jeremiah 16:19).
Psalm 67 focuses on the ethnic groups (rendered nations and peoples). In this short psalm, the word appears 8 times.
Items for thanksgiving
- The recognition of the place of the family in the Constitution and the commitment to protect it;
- The various tribes God has blessed our nation with.
Ask God’s forgiveness for:
- The abdication of responsibility by parents especially the fathers;
- The vices committed in families like incest, psychological and physical abuse;
- The practice of witchcraft and idolatry in our homes;
- The illegal practice of abortion, which is the murder of the unborn child.
Pray that:
- God will raise many fathers throughout our society (a true father no longer lives for himself but rather for those that he fathers);
- God will raise through in the Body of Christ men who will serve their families;
- God will raise strong ministries that minister to families in our nation;
- Fornication, cohabitation, adultery, polygamy, child molesting, alcoholism and promotion of homosexuality will diminish in our nation;
- The homeless and street children will find homes and families to relate to (Psalm 68:5,6) as adoption by the Ugandan society increases;
- Attempts in our society to subvert God’s ordained order for marriage, of man and wife (not man and man, woman and woman or man and wives) will utterly fail;
- Attempts to legalize abortion (murder of defenseless babies in the safest place they can be – the womb) will completely fail;
- The family unit will be preserved and the biblical family model will be strong and be upheld in our nation;
- Attempts to defile the next generation with programs like “Comprehensive Sex Education” will flatly fail.
Verse 1:
- Ask the Lord to be gracious to your tribe(s) and all the tribes in Uganda. Grace is undeserved favour. The idolatry of our tribes attracts the wrath of God and not his favour. Pray that the Lord will be gracious to all our tribes in the years ahead.
- Ask that the tribes will experience the blessing of the Lord. Most of what our tribes have experienced to date has been curses that have been the consequences of idolatry. Pray that the Lord will bring the tribes to a day when they will enjoy the blessings of the Lord.
- Pray that God will cause His face to shine upon the tribes. Idolatry causes God to turn His face away from the people. Pray that in the years ahead the Lord will lead the tribes to a period of tribal repentance from idolatry so that His face will shine upon the people.
Verse 2:
- Pray that the ways of God will be fully known in the tribes in the years ahead. This is broadly talking about culture. Our people have known the ways of other gods and ancestral spirits. Pray for a move of God among the people that will make the ways of God known – this is part of the calling of the Church to disciple the nations (Matthew 28: 19): teaching them everything Jesus commanded.
- Pray that the salvation of the Lord will be known in our tribes. Ask the Lord to bring a season of mass salvation of the tribesmen and women.
Verse 3 & 5:
- Pray for a time when our tribes will truly praise the Lord so that even the tribal songs and anthems will praise the Lord. A number of our tribal songs and anthems give the glory due to God instead to demons and other gods we have made our tribal pride.
Verse 4:
- There has been a lot of mourning because of death, disease, poverty, and war. Pray that in this new season for our nation there will be many times of tribal gladness.
- Pray that our tribal leaders will come to know the Lord Jesus and bow down to Him as the King of kings and Lord of lords. In some of the tribes, the leaders have actually championed idolatry either demanding worship or leading the tribe in the worship of other gods.
- Pray that as a result of what God will do in the tribes in the years ahead, our people will experience the guidance of God. God has a plan for each of the ethnic groups. Pray that the tribes will find and enter into their redemptive purpose.
Verse 6:
- Pray that as a result of tribal repentance the curse on the land will be lifted and the land will yield its best for the indigenous people of the land. Presently the negative witness of creation, because of idolatry, does not allow the land to yield its best and instead it yields its best to the foreigner.
- Pray that as the Lord restores the tribes, the people will receive from the land the best in agriculture, mining, tourism, and development.
Verse 7:
- Pray that God’s work of tribal transformation will be so thorough that the resulting blessing will cause the ends of the earth to fear the Lord.
Proclaim Psalm 68 verses 1, 2 & 3 against the enemies of God in our tribes.