August: Communication and Media

Jubilee Project

Uganda Fact File on Communication and Media

About 71% of Uganda’s communities have access to telephone services (Uganda Household Survey 2012)

Mobile communication: 38 cellular subscriptions per 100 people: 2010 – (World Development Indicators database) – exponential growth in access and use in the last 10 years

Internet: 12.5 Users per 100 people – (World Development Indicators database)

Radio: Uganda’s mostly rural population relies heavily on radio to stay informed through regional and community stations as well as communicate with each other via talk shows

Television: households with a TV set 4.51% (134th of 160 countries)
(World Development Indicators database)

Newspaper: more urban than rural.


Then have the trumpet sounded everywhere on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the Day of Atonement sound the trumpet throughout your land.
Leviticus 25:9

The Jubilee season was heralded with the sound of the jubilee shofars (trumpets) on the Day of Atonement in the jubilee year. It was the sound of good news proclaiming liberty and the beginning of a very special year being communicated through out the land.

Effective communication is one of the main determinants of how we influence the world around us. Unfortunately most communication around us bears bad and not news. This month we take stock of our own involvement in communicating good news. This month we reflect and take stock of Media in our society.


  1. What are your recollections of news and media in the last 50 years?
  2. In what ways have you kept yourself informed of news and developments in your community?
  3. What are your positive communication achievements;
  • Writing (any books, magazine articles,
  • Radio or TV programs
  • Journaling (keeping a journal)
  • Public speaking


Celebrate your positive achievements


In what ways can you improve your communication with those around you:

  1. Family members: spouse, children, siblings, wider family
  2. Colleagues at work
  3. Community: church, neighborhood

Jubilee Point of Action for the month:

  1. Individuals: I plan to share my faith with………….
  2. Plan to write an article to the local newspaper communicating something positive about your community.
  3. Consider writing an open thank you letter to your LC, MP or Police commander appreciating them for something specific, positive that they have done.
  4. Plan to call in to a talk show with some thing positive to say.
  5. Consider sponsoring a positive advert or program on the radio.

Jubilee Prayer for the month:

Pray that as a result of good communication, our communities will experience harmony and peaceful co-existence.

Jubilee Pledge for the month:

I pledge to become a better positive communicator with family and community.


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