Uganda Fact File on Families
Uganda Household Survey 2009/2010
- Number of households: 6.2 million
- 85% live in rural areas
- More than half the population is below 15 years
- Average household size: 5.0
- The majority of dwelling units (homes) are detached houses and occupied by owners (i.e not rented)
- Iron roofed houses are majority though earth floors are dominant
- Only 12% of households use electricity for lighting
- 74% have access to improved drinking water
- 10% of households still lack a toilet facility
- 9% of households took one meal a day
- Orphan hood: (a child aged below 18 years who has lost one or both parents)
- Higher in the urban areas (15% compared to rural, 12%)
- Highest in northern region (17%)
The typical Ugandan household is a village home with 5 family members having access to improved drinking water but without electricity – using firewood for cooking.
Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all
the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubilee unto you – and you shall return every man unto his own clan, you shall return every man to his family.
Leviticus 25:10
The year of Jubilee was a time of family reunions as every one went to his own home. Family members who had not seen each other for a long time had prolonged times of reunion and catching up. The absence of work provided enough time for socializing even for those who normally did not have enough time for it.
You can choose your friends and perhaps neighbours but apart from choosing a spouse, no one has a choice of their relatives; God Himself chose those for us.
The family unit is key in building up one’s personality. A child learns the most from his or her family. Children who have a sound family background are usually more focused and fulfilled in life. The goals we set ourselves in life are very much dependent on the life we have with our family. Family life is also gives us our basic strength as people. This month we reflect and take stock of family relations in our society.
- Who make up your family?
- Immediate family: spouses, brothers, sisters and others who live with you
- Extended family: cousins, uncles, aunties, in-laws
- Community: neighbours, friends
- Work associates
- Who are your closest friends?
- How would you describe the state of your family relations?
- Take time to appreciate what each family member adds to your life.
- What would you miss if they were not there?
- What would you like your family relations to look like in the future?
- What can you do today to secure what you are desiring for that future?
Jubilee Point of action for the month:
- Consider contacting and/or visiting family or friends you have not been in contact with for a long time.
- Plan a family get together for a meal or an outing
For Business Leaders and employers:
Consider ways of recognizing and honoring families of staff members for the support they give your workers
For Spiritual Leaders:
Consider holding a seminar on the place of families in God’s plan for mankind
For community Leaders:
- Consider hosting a fun get together for families in your community
- Consider organising a public event to raise awareness of the importance of stable families in the community.
Jubilee Prayer for the month:
Pray for strong families and more harmonious family ties in Uganda in the next 50 years.
Jubilee Pledge for the month:
I pledge to be a responsible family member exercising love and compassion to those around me.
The International Day of Families, annually held on May 15, celebrates the importance of families.